Earl Mansfield
Rector's Warden
Earl Mansfield was born in Vancouver, BC to Christian parents. He accepted our Lord as his Saviour at age 14 at an evangelical church in Nanaimo. A year later he met his future wife Christine at the Cowichan River Bible Camp. Dr. Mansfield's educational background is in the field of education, with a bachelor's degree from UVic, an MA from UBC, an MED from U of Oregon and a Ph.D from UBC. He was a secondary school teacher for many years and worked on various Ministry of Education curriculum and assessment committees. Dr. Mansfield has previous Church council experience and as assisted in formulating church constitutions. Earl and Christine have lived in Metchosin for more than 20 years and have 4 children and 8 grandchildren, and are God-parents and God-grandparents to numerous others. Earl is committed to serving our Lord, The Open Gate Church, and especially loves encouraging the youngest and the oldest members of our wonderful church family.

David Rand
David is a former People's Warden and three time Lay Secretary to the early ANiC synods. David was raised on the children's hymn that included the lines, "Love the Lord and do your part and learn to say with all your heart, 'Father we thank thee.'" He is guessing this is his way of doing his part. Feel free to ask David any questions about anything he does, even starting with something as simple as, "What is a synod?"

Lin Bremner
People's Warden
Lin was born in Plymouth, England where she grew up and met her husband, Ivor, a fellow Plymouthian. Lin is a retired Radiation Therapist. After taking her medical training she worked in Plymouth for a couple of years then landed a job in Thunder Bay; so at age 22 she and Ivor started their adventure to Canada. Another job offer moved them next to Calgary but, missing the ocean so much, the next move was to Vancouver Island. Lin has three sons and a beautiful granddaughter, Ivy, who sometimes accompanies her to church. Lin joined our congregation at St. Mary the Virgin in the mid 80's and has benefited greatly from their love, support and excellent witness. This is her second term on parish council and she is looking forward to participating in our Lords work here in the Westshore.

Sherri Pankiewich
Sherri has been with Open Gate Church since its inception in 2008 and has been Treasurer for most of the last 8 years. She retired in 2003 after 30 years in accounting and moved to the Victoria area with husband Bill (retired from the airline industry) from North Vancouver to be closer to 2 of their 5 grandchildren. The main thing that attracted them to this church was the welcoming, caring congregation & clergy and the church's strong commitment to community. They have come to love Island living and enjoy having the Galloping Goose Trail so close to home for their daily exercise routine.

Echo Thorne
Parish Council Member
Coming soon...

Noella May
Parish Council Member
It has been rewarding to live and serve in various church communities (Vancouver, Saskatoon, Cassiar, Moose Jaw, Brentwood Bay, Victoria, and Langford) and experiencing how things are done so diversely. Every parish is so unique! However, we all have the same goal: to serve our Lord! As a member of Parish Council I will share in the shepherding of the parish as we seek to discern, make decisions, and manage the vision of Open Gate Church under Christ's faithful leadership.

Kathe Parsons
Parish Council Member

Denys Bristo
Parish Council Member
Coming soon...

Brian Dunn
Synod Delegate
Brian retired from an IT Manager position in 2021. Brian and his wife Jenn and kids Jessica & Owen have been attending the Open Gate church since 2007. Brian became a Christian later in life at the age of 40 following an Alpha course, and was later confirmed. Brian has a passion for expanding his biblical knowledge and has been involved with many bible studies and Alpha courses. Brian is currently one of the leaders in a bible study program and has served on parish council many times. Brian’s other passion is the great outdoors and exploring God’s creation. He plans on exploring these passions further now that he is retired.
John 1:12 “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”