The Open Gate is a dynamic Christian community located in the Westhills area of Langford near Victoria, BC.
We welcome people from all walks of life to come learn about God and find community as we draw nearer to Him. We are proudly a part of the Anglican Network in Canada and offer worship services rooted in the Anglican tradition.
We are currently gathering for in-person services as well as offering a live-stream of services on our Open Gate Church Facebook page. Please contact our church office for more information at (250) 590-6736 or email: [email protected]

Where do you meet?
Open Gate serves the West Hills region of Langford, BC. We meet on the site of Lighthouse Christian Academy at the end of Parkdale Drive (past Glenwood Meats). See our map for further details. Look for a big blue sign at the end of the school’s driveway. Come down to the farthest building where the services and office are both located.
A greeter will be standing outside our building entrance and there will be more signs to help guide you where to go. The greeter can answer any of your questions (i.e., KidZone locations, coffee, bathrooms, etc).

What are your services like?
The Open Gate has two services on Sunday mornings:
8:30 Traditional Service
A traditional prayerbook liturgy from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer paired with hymns and a message. Services alternate between Holy Communion and Morning Prayer.
10:15 Contemporary Family Service
A family friendly service with contemporary music, an encouraging and biblically-based message and KidZone – a Children’s Ministry Program. Services alternate between Holy Communion and Morning Worship
KidZone is for ages Pre-K to Grade 7. Children are dismissed following our Children’s Talk. You can drop your children off with the appropriate age group, signing them in and out as part of our Plan to Protect. Online KidZone lessons are available on their YouTube page.
The Coffee Service
Join us following the 10:15 am service for coffee and conversation.